Cursillo #141 team and pilgrims will gather for their Fourth Day event.
8:30 AM Coffee and refreshments
8:45 – 9:00 -Gathering Music: Music Team:
9:00 – 9:15
- Welcome & Opening Prayer JOHN MAURER
- Introduce St James Episcopal Church & team; thank them for hosting us. Introduce the Music Team; Rector Ray Stoll
- Intro of the day, and logistics bathroom – breaks -lunch- book table available
- 4th Day Introduction – JOHN MAURER
9:15 – 9:25 1st Talk: Introduction to Ultreya & Instructed Ultreya – Jack & Diana Overton
9:25 Conduct an Instructed Ultreya –
9:25 –9:35 Lay Witness Talk – Anthony Campanero
9:35 –9:45 Echo Talk – Arlene Maloney
9:45- 9:55 Clergy Reflection – Father Ryan or Father Matthew
9:55 – 10:35 Conduct a Floating Group Reunion using Group Reunion Cards
(40 minutes – Divide the gathering into randomized small groups of 3 – 6 persons . Count off in groups of …)
Grab your sponsee and make a great day of it!