Musicians Needed

Do you play an instrument? Have you always wanted to join a band, but never had the opportunity? Or the nerve? Well, here is your chance! The Cursillo community needs YOU.  It takes quite a few musicians to lead a large group in singing. Even if you are a beginner, come along and play. A few missed chords won’t be noticed in the larger group, and you will find that you get better, just by playing with others.

While most of the Cursillo musicians play the guitar, we love having other instruments join the “band”.  It really adds to the beautiful sound.

If you would like to play for an Ultreya, feel free to just show up about a half hour before the music is to start.  If you would like, you can call the Parish Rep listed for that Ultreya to find out who is leading the music. You can call the Music Leader to find out ahead what music is planned.

Watch for announcements scheduling Music Workshops, Ultreyas, and other Cursillo events in the diocese or within your deanery for more opportunities to share your talents in fellowship as we make a joyful noise to the Lord!

For more information about Cursillo music, you can contact David Schutte.
Cover of Cursillo Sings! songbook


The Cursillo Sings! songbooks are for the sole use of the Cursillo Community at Cursillo Functions. Any other use is a violation of our agreement with the publishing companies, and would put the Community and the Diocesan at risk for a lawsuit.

If your church is hosting a Cursillo function, contact David Schutte to arrange having the songbooks for that function.