Hola familia de la comunidad Cristiana del Cursillo. El Sexto (6) Cursillo hispano es de Mayo 17-19, 2019.
Mi nombre es Cynthia Lamont de Wint y he sido llamada para ser la Rectora de este fin de semana. Es para mi el honor mas grande del mundo y espero servirle a Dios porque Él me llamó. He escogido como mi tema del Evangelio de San Marco 10:45.
………….”El Hijo del hombre no vino para ser servido, sino para servir….”
Por favor, OREN, OREN, OREN
El liderazgo ha sido elegido y estamos buscando las personas para servir en el equipo. Envien sus aplicaciones lo más pronto posible. Las aplicaciones se consiguen en las Iglesias, por medio de uno de los líderes o por el website www.cursilloswfla.org
Si no logran conseguir una aplicación, llámenme. Mi número del hogar es: (941) 639-0776 y del celular es: (941) 539-9977.
Esperamos sus aplicaciones y no se olviden. OREN, OREN OREN
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ. I am Cynthia Lamont-Wint and I am the rectora for Cursillo #142 which begins May 17th to 19th, 2019.
It is such an honor to be called to do this momentous task to serve and I am confident that I will be guided by our God to successfully execute this portion of my walk with Him.
I am thrilled, and my theme reflects that thrill which I am experiencing during my preparation. My theme is taken from Mark 10:45, …”For the son of man did not come to be served but to serve…”
This verse reflects my strong belief throughout my Christian walk.
Please begin praying for Cursillo #142 as our Cursillo community is accustomed to do. Please come and serenade our pilgrims on May 18th at 7:00 p.m. and join us at the Clausura on May 19th. Let’s send the new disciples out to spread the word of the Lord with the tools they recently acquired.
We welcome everyone. English and Spanish. Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ.
De Colores
May 17th – 19th, 2019 Please pray for the following pilgrims and team, that their hearts and their minds will be open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance for the upcoming Cursillo weekend. Updated pilgrims are in RED as well as a correction to Griselda Gris to Griselda Lorca |