Cursillo #138 Prayer Vigil

Hello Cursillo Community, We have a few slots left for the early morning hours and also a couple of daytime slots for Cursillo #138.  Please contact me with your preferred time, and I will let you know if that time is still available.  Thank you for your prayers as we prepare for the upcoming weekend […]

Serenade Cursillo #138

Dayspring Conference Center 8411 25th St E, Parrish, FL 34219, Parish, FL, United States

Serenade - Saturday, February 24, 2018 Park on the soccer field prior to walking to the Program Center Arrive to organize, receive music, last minute notices and be ready to walk to the Program Center by 6:30 P.M. You will be guided by a Cha Cha and enter the event center at 7:00 P.M., maybe […]

Clausura – Sunday, February 25, 2018 Cursillo #138

Dayspring Conference Center 8411 25th St E, Parrish, FL 34219, Parish, FL, United States

Clausura – Sunday, February 25, 2018 Gathering music will begin at 3:30 P.M. in the Program Center Clausura is scheduled to begin by 4 P.M. Pilgrim’s luggage will be available for pickup at the St. Luke cabin following the Clausura

#138 Fourth Day Gathering

St Mary Magdalene Church 11315 Palmbrush Trail, Bradenton, FL, United States

Cursillo #139-5to en Espanol

Dayspring Conference Center 8411 25th St E, Parrish, FL 34219, Parish, FL, United States

Edwin Mata Edwin Mata - Rector 7011 N. Oregon Ave Tampa, FL CURSILLO #139 May 17 - 20, 2018 San Juan capitulo 15. Versiculo 16 No. dice   Vosotros no me escogisteis a mí, sino que yo os escogí a vosotros, y os designé para que vayáis y deis fruto, y que vuestro fruto permanezca; […]

Cursillo #139 Prayer Vigil

San Juan capitulo 15. Versiculo 16 No. dice   Vosotros no me escogisteis a mí, sino que yo os escogí a vosotros, y os designé para que vayáis y deis fruto, y que vuestro fruto permanezca; para que todo lo que pidáis al Padre en mi nombre os lo conceda. St. John chapter 15. Verse 16 […]

Cursillo #140 – From the Rectora

Dayspring Conference Center 8411 25th St E, Parrish, FL 34219, Parish, FL, United States

  Nancy Kinney Theme: Holy is the Lord Almighty... Isaiah 6 Song: Holy is the Lord - Chris Tomlin DeColores! My name is Nancy Kinney and I was called by our Lord to serve as the Rectora for Cursillo #140 in October. What an awesome blessing this is and an overwhelming responsibility. No fear though […]

Serenade Cursillo #140

Dayspring Conference Center 8411 25th St E, Parrish, FL 34219, Parish, FL, United States

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Saturday Night Serenade on October 27th. This is a special gift! Arrive between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. and park in the soccer field past the Bishop's office on your left as you drive into Day Spring. Set Up in yellow vests will direct parking. Golf […]

Cursillo #140 Fourth Day Gathering

Curch of the Nativity 5900 Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, Florida

The Fourth Day is scheduled for Saturday, November 17th at 8:30 a.m. at the Church of the Nativity in Sarasota. Make a date with your new Cursillista to attend! It's a day of deeper understanding, and a mini spiritual retreat for all. Look for information on the website, and your new Cursillista will have the […]

Cursillo #141

Dayspring Conference Center 8411 25th St E, Parrish, FL 34219, Parish, FL, United States

I have been called to lead Cursillo #141 at DaySpring February 21st - 24th, as John Goodhue had to step down due to some lingering health issues. Please pray for our beloved brother, John, as we endeavor to move forward. At this point, we are still discerning the exact "theme" for the Weekend, but will […]