From the Rectora Cursillo #140

Nancy Kinney
DeColores! My name is Nancy Kinney and I was called by our Lord to serve as the Rectora for Cursillo #140 in October.
What an awesome blessing this is and an overwhelming responsibility. No fear though because there is a huge Cursillo community that will help and support me, the team and the new Pilgrims to come! The most important support is prayer. Prayers for guidance, wisdom, protection from evil outside influences and anything else that will try to derail this weekend before and during its duration. Every weekend is in the Lord’s hands and He will reveal that plan to me and the team as the plans are progressing.
The Leadership is in place and now we will be looking for many Cursillistas to apply to work on the team with us. Please pray about this and check with your families and calendars for the available time and commitment it takes.
We will have our first team meeting Saturday Sept. 15th and the second team meeting Saturday October 6th.
Now would be a good time to block off those days in your calendars because we know how busy our lives are and how quickly new events get added to already full schedules. We can’t all work on a team but we can always pray. When the Prayer Vigil gets published in the future by the Servant Chair please choose a time slot or two for fervent prayers of protection! Not only is working on a team a time to serve but maybe you will experience something you missed on your weekend.
Now is also a good time to pray and talk to your parish priest about someone who you think might be interested and willing to attend a Cursillo weekend. Remember to do this before you invite your friend to fill out an application! Timing is everything so a no today doesn’t necessarily mean no forever. Don’t forget that popular and so true statement to “Make a friend, be a friend and bring a friend to Christ!” Sponsoring is an awesome experience but it is also a commitment. Look into all that is required before you make that decision.
Of course, palanca is always needed; green $ palanca, soda, water, candy, salty snacks, pillow palanca and written notes to the Pilgrims. So many ways to help and contribute to the weekend. There will be notices by the Set-Up Co-chairs later on as the weekend approaches.
Again please put Cursillo #140 on your daily prayer list and your church’s prayer list too! Pray for your possible involvement in this weekend and for all the team and Pilgrims that the Lord will call. This is a blessed calling but I can’t do it alone by any stretch of the imagination. Thank you for all your prayers and support!
Nancy Kinney
6325 Ridge Top Dr, New Port Richey FL 34655