Christ is Counting on You, and So Am I

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Christ is counting on you and so am I!

Do you remember your time as Pilgrims attending a Cursillo weekend where so many of our lives were forever changed? We came home to families and friends filled with the Holy Spirit,
and on fire to serve God wherever, and whenever, he called us.

After attending Cursillo #114 in 2008, I had a wonderful conversation with a fellow Cursillista Connie Keister. It’s been a while, and we admitted our recollections about that call may remain
lost forever with one exception – God gave us each of a personal mantra that we live by. “God will lead you where he needs you”! This became the theme for Weekend 150. In the Bible, many people came to Jesus through the actions of God. Leading each of them to a life of service sharing the news of Jesus through kindness, love and healing.

There are so many places in the Bible where people were lead to Christ, for his reasons, not for theirs. This became apparent when after attending a Cursillo weekends so many of us returned home, pouring into a life of service to Christ in ways previously unimaginable.

Won’t you please assist us in providing that Cursillo opportunity for others who have not experienced a Cursillo weekend? We need your help by filling both Team and Pilgrim openings.

Currently, we have accepted 8 applicants for Team and 8 Pilgrims for Cursillo 150. Additionally, there are a number of jobs on the weekend which do not require a great deal of physicality but bring great rewards to our Pilgrims.

Annie Hunter

Please prayerfully consider helping Gods Cursillo150 weekend to be a great success by submitting Team and Pilgrim applications to my address below.

Annie Hunter
Rector Cursillo#150
1811 Ft. Duquesna Drive
Sun City Center, FL 33573

Download Team Application Here

Download Pilgrim Application Here