Update – Rectora Cursillo #144
My Dear Cursillistas,
Christmas is fast approaching and we are busy preparing for its arrival, just as Mary and Joseph did before they began the long journey to Bethlehem. Mary packed everything she needed for the arrival of her firstborn son; filled with anticipation and faith in the angel’s proclamation, “And you will bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High”. At the same time Joseph brought food provisions and supplies; planned the travel route and obtained a donkey for Mary to ride upon; knowing this baby “is of the Holy Spirit, you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save His people from their sins”, this was no ordinary fatherhood. They awaited the Messiah’s coming; and we wait with them, soon we will observe his birth, “Christ the King is born, King of Salvation, the long awaited Messiah–Immanuel, God with us”.
After Jesus’ birth the Angels sang praising God, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased”. We also raise our voices singing, “Joy to the World, the Lord has come!” We rejoice in the coming of the Lord Jesus! Thanks, be to God!
It is my prayer our Lord Jesus renews your spirit with heavenly joy in celebration, peace in each moment shared and an awareness of his presence within you. May he bless you with a gift of time: to truly appreciate his birth, with marked hands, and to understand the magnitude of his unconditional offering of love and grace beginning in the manger.
Although we dearly miss our sister Judy, we celebrate the joy she has being in the arms of Jesus and in the light of His Glory, celebrating her arrival home! Her first Christmas in heaven! In her honor, I pray we will all be as devoted to our Rule of Life, Grouping and building the Kingdom as she did through Cursillo. May we emulate her loving heart, may we be ready to serve and may we warm the world with a smile that brings joy, just like Judy’s. Let light perpetual shine upon her Lord, give comfort and dry the tears of all who mourn and one day may we all hear, “Well done, good and faithful Servant”. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I wish you all a blessed Christmas with family and friends, filled with happiness and joy that comes from that tiny baby who stepped into the world to save us all!
Rejoicing in the Love of Christ Jesus,
Rectora #144