Message from Rectora Marta Meloy – Cursillo #144

Greetings to all my Brother and Sisters!

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Th 5: 16-18

Thank you Lord for the loving Body of Christ!

Thank you for all of the prayer, Palanca, Vigil sign-ups, and placemat coloring completed as love offerings for Cursillo # 144! This glorious weekend couldn’t happen without your willingness to serve! Cursillo # 144 is just 9 days away and the excitement of the weekend is raising daily! Our God is pouring out blessing upon blessing as final preparations are being completed! My heart delights seeing the names of pilgrims attending and waiting to see those names yet to come! We still have openings to fill so prayerfully consider the blessing of Sponsorship, it is not too late to submit applications!

I can’t wait to see you at the Serenade on Saturday Feb 22nd at 7:00 as you raise a new song to the Lord in praise, rejoicing in the love of Christ and then again at the Clausura at 4:00 on Sunday Feb 23rd celebrating our newest Cursillistas!

“FREELY you have received, FREELY give.”
All glory, honor and praise is Yours, Almighty God as your will is done in all things.

Peace and love in Christ,
Marta Meloy
Rectora # 144

Palanca for Cursillo #144


Cursillo #144       Update

From John Genter, Set-Up Chair

The weekend fast approaches, and we praise God for all the enthusiasm and many hands that make this possible! However, we do continue to need your prayers, Palanca and assistance.

Palanca needs include bottled water, both small and large bottles, a variety of soda (regular and diet), candy (with and without sugar), and “Green Palanca” additional money to cover a variety of expenses that may arise. This all can be delivered by Sponsors when luggage is dropped off at the cabins, and we thank you and praise God for your continued love, offerings and sacrifices.        

A reminder to Sponsors: Please be sure to feed and then deliver your Pilgrims (after enjoying a meal together) to DaySpring between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. on Thursday February 20th. Look for the set-up people in yellow vests who will direct you to the Program Center. There the Pilgrims will be welcomed and escorted to registration. Please proceed to the cabins behind the program center to drop off Palanca and luggage. Set-Up in yellow vests will be there to unload. Then stop by St. Thomas Chapel for prayer time with Dolores and Bill Overton (Friends of Team) before you leave.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the Saturday Night Serenade on February 22nd. This is a special gift! Arrive between 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. and park in the soccer field past the Bishop’s office on your left as you drive into Day Spring. Set Up in yellow vests will direct parking. Golf carts will be available for transportation to the Program Center. The Serenade is scheduled to start at 7:00 p.m. and finish at 7:30 p.m.

On Sunday February 23rd please drive up to the Luke Cabin to pick up your Pilgrim’s luggage upon arriving. Then return and park in the soccer field and walk up to the Program Center. Golf carts will be available for transportation. Please be seated for the Clausura no later than 3:30 p.m. for fellowship, singing and the arrival of our new Cursillistas at 4:00 p.m.

The Fourth Day is scheduled for Saturday, Saturday, March 21st. Location and time to follow. Make a date with your new Cursillista to attend! It’s a day of deeper understanding, and a mini spiritual retreat for all. Look for information on the website, and your new Cursillista will have the flyer in hand.

