Cursillo #143 Update – Bless the Lord Oh My Soul

Hello Brother and Sister Cursillistas!  I pray you have had a blessed Summer!  Now that Fall is here, we look forward to cooler weather (or at least temps “only” in the 80’s), and maybe pumpkin “everything”, and of course, Ultreyas, and the Fall Cursillo weekend Oct. 24-27.

Prayer is the most important thing you can contribute to the weekend, and also it’s vital that we support one another at Ultreyas as much as possible.  Many churches are having Ultreyas now, and you receive notice about them via email or you can look at the website at There is great energy when we come together as the body of Christ, which can then carry us forth to our home churches with renewed spirit and purpose.

Another extremely important task we each have to pray about is Sponsorship.  Pilgrims don’t just show up, they are sponsored by all of us in the Cursillo community.  We cannot even have a weekend without Sponsors–you are the lifeline of a Cursillo weekend.  Sponsors are as much a part of each Team as the actual Team members.  Remember our motto?  Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ.  Look around your church this week.  Pray about a person, or persons, and talk to your Priest about whether or not he or she or they might be a candidate for the upcoming weekend or for a future weekend.

An invited candidate can always turn down an invitation and be held over to the next weekend, so you can submit applications even if a person isn’t sure about attending the October weekend.   How did you feel when you were invited to Cursillo?  What impact did it have on your life?  Did the Lord change your life through your Cursillo experience?  If you answered in a positive way, then maybe Sponsorship is for you!

Other ways to support the weekend are numerous-prayer vigil, pillow palanca, water, candy, and green palanca. Thank you for blessing #143 in all of these ways!

Blessing the Lord,
Barbara Kunath
Rectora #143
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