has a new look
From Anna Ashworth, Secretariat Communications Chair
In case you haven’t noticed, our website got a make-over in 2017. Russell Tuff, our Webmaster, used his skills to make some modifications to the website to make it more user friendly.
At a glance, here are some of the changes that have been made:
- It is mobile phone friendly.
- With one click, the site translates from English into Spanish or Creole.
- The site is easy to navigate.
- The latest news from Constant Contact and the newsletter are archived by month.
Here is a more in-depth look:
Once you access, you arrive at the “Home” page. In the upper right-hand corner, you will see the following tabs: Home, What is Cursillo, Applications, Events, and News/Blog. The following is a description of what you will find on each page.
Home Page
Underneath some pictures, on the left side of the page, there is a brief introduction to Cursillo. Following that article is information about pilgrim applications along with a link to the pilgrim application. The latest news articles are found next.
On the right side of the page (underneath the pictures), there is the option of changing the language to Spanish or Haitian Creole. There is also a place to add your email address to the list to receive the quarterly newsletter (if you are not already receiving it). Underneath the newsletter request, there are links to recent Cursillo news posts and also archived articles to read. These articles are listed below the newsletter request.
What is Cursillo?
When your cursor hovers over the “What is Cursillo?” tab, the following selections will appear:
What is Cursillo?
Opportunities to serve
Frequently asked questions about Cursillo
Here is what you find when you click on the selections:
What is Cursillo? – a greater explanation of what Cursillo is, what happens after the weekend, what is expected of participants, and who can attend a weekend.
Secretariat – a list of the Secretariat members, their positions, and their contact information is provided here.
Parish Reps – The Episcopal churches in SW Florida are separated into deaneries, and the Cursillo Parish Reps for each church are listed along with their contact information. Occasionally, there will be a church without a current Parish Rep, so this page is helpful if you want to find another Cursillo community at a near-by church.
Opportunities to Serve – The Servant Community Leaders are listed here along with their contact information. Also, there is a link to an application if you would like to serve on the Secretariat or as a Servant Leader. At the bottom of this page, openings are listed along with guidelines for applying.
Music – this page invites musicians to join the Cursillo musicians in playing at Ultreyas, weekends, and other Cursillo events. Contact information is provided for those interested in joining the musicians. There is also information about the songbooks.
Frequently Asked Questions about Cursillo – Answers to frequently asked questions
Palanca – explanation of different kinds of Palanca, why it is needed, and where to send monetary contributions
Donations -more specific information for monetary donations
Under the “Applications” tab, you will find the following selections:
Pilgrim Application
Team Application
Sponsoring a candidate
Paying for the weekend
Applications – this page explains the process of applying for a weekend and the need for a sponsor. A link to the pilgrim application is provided.
Pilgrim Application – links to both the English and Spanish Pilgrim Applications are provided here.
Team Application – information about the next weekend is available here along with the team application that is specific to that weekend. Because the address of where to send the team application will vary with each weekend, the address of the lay rector is provided here as well.
Sponsoring a Candidate – this page gives information about how to sponsor a pilgrim, and there is a checklist provided for the sponsor to fulfill
Paying for the Weekend – specific instructions are given for pilgrims and team members about paying for the weekend and where to send the payment.
The “Events” tab will take you to the page with upcoming events listed according to month, with the event that will be happening the soonest at the top of the page. Scroll down the page to find events that are scheduled into the future. You can also search for past and future events at the top (left) of the page under the word “Archives” by either putting in the name of the event or by looking at the calendar and choosing the month.
The “News/Blog” tab takes you to a page that has information about the upcoming weekend, requests for the upcoming weekend, the latest news from the Secretariat or newsletter, and pictures from Ultreyas.
Have pictures you would like to see on the website? Have Ultreyas you would like announced? Email Anna Ashworth @
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